The Goats
2021-03-28NoobsaladCame in and gave subs 10 of them!
2021-04-04NoobsaladCame in and gifted 30 more SUBS!
2021-04-11Turbosoda666Sticking around in stream Donated bits
2021-04-18Turbosoda666Came to stream again donated more than 1000 bits this week interacted with chat! Also was hanging!
2021-04-25Side_3SDonate 300 bits! Also hanging alot in the stream chatting and sugesting music welcomeing people and using channelpoints!
2021-05-02Mamaw91Hanging in stream! Chatting, also came up with the challange for me in pubg really creative!
2021-05-09mrfreekilllSubbed to the channel, helping out with stuff! Playing with the Goat
2021-05-16Mamaw91Donated 600 bits! Came with ideas and suggestions welcomeing people and using channelpoints!
2021-05-23Mamaw91Donated,hanging in and around the stream, comes with ideas, plays with us, helps keeping people here! Really nice guy!
2021-05-30Mamaw91Donated,hanging in and around the stream, comes with ideas, plays with us, helps keeping people here! Really nice guy! GIFTED SUB!
2021-06-06mrfreekilllDonated,bicycle with the goat, pushed him up in levels.
2021-06-13Mamaw91Gifted SUB. Hanging around the STREAM. Saying hi to people!
2021-06-20Mamaw91Hanging around the STREAM. Saying hi to people!
2021-06-27Hamjon83Gifting subs, chatting, getting people to the stream! Brewing beer guy. Check his stream out.
2021-07-04DisspokenHanging in stream! Made me eat Habanero 200 sek doantion! Said nice things! Also comes with ideas.
2021-07-11Mamaw91Did same excersize as me! Really funny! Hanging in stream!
2021-07-18Dn1cceGifted headset back to the stream, raided the goat! Good streamer!
2021-07-25Hamjon83/Jesjo85Invited Goat to their house, tested VR and amzing food and beer! Donated alot! Gifted subs!
2021-08-01Hamjon83/Jesjo85Got me more followers! Sitting alot in chat! Amazing people! Came with Idea of Marbles on stream!
2021-08-08Hamjon83/Jesjo85Gifted me Wreckfest! !Playing in the chat, brought me to Dtsolargaming! Nice people!
2021-08-15Izaal/TelleskogThese 2 warms my heart when I see them in chat! "irl" friends, extremly funny people! Gifted subs,subbed. Might have something to do with Friday.
2021-08-22Snake_PrincessGifted towards the Pirri Pirri, Hanging in chat. Joined customs. Brought in some people. Really good streamer also!
2021-08-30Hamjon83/Jesjo85Coming with great ideas, testing games with the goat, participating in alot of things! AMAZING PEOPLE!
2021-09-06NotonmyscrenSubbed to the channel, donate 16.85 Euro which I will use torwards the football team! Lurking alot in chat, this is the guy with the most channelpoints!
2021-09-13Jesjo85/Hamjon83Lady Jesjo85 clipped alot of clips! Hanging in chat! Coming up with ideas!
2021-09-20Hamjon83/Jesjo85Lady Jesjo85/Hamjon83 clipped alot of clips! Hanging in chat! Coming up with ideas! Can almost copy paste
2021-09-27Hamjon83/Jesjo85/Mrtias/BockaJRThese 4 persons made a dent into the stream. Also joined during the event day! CLIPS!
2021-10-04Officialsloo/Guttenheimer/Noja00Hanging in chat! Clipping some! Made awesome ending to Satuday night stream! Gifted SUBS!
2021-10-11Hamjon83AMAZING CLIPS comes with ideas! Watching me getting scared!
2021-10-19Hagstrom9012Joined Customs, hanging in chat!
2021-10-26Officialsloo/Guttenheimer/Noja00Hanging in chat! Clipping some! Brought in more people? Followed me on YOUTUBE! Watched some of my videos!
2021-11-01Officialsloo/Guttenheimer/Noja00Hanging in chat! Clipping some! AMAZING! GIFTED SUBS! MESSING WITH THE GOAT! Good at getting jinxed!
2021-11-10Maltus_is_itHanging in chat! Watching the stream! Great German! 😀 Tipped the GOAT!
2021-11-16OfficialslooJoined and came with great ideas! Posted 5 clips into the! Hanging in the CHAT! Won Main Marbles! Deserves this.
2021-11-23Hagstrom9012/Lady GuttenheimerHanging in chat coming with ideas. Helped with emotes.
2021-11-29Hagstrom9012/Hamjon83Hanging in chat coming with ideas. Clipped! ´Food Pictures/Great tips for screen and streamdeck.
2021-12-07Ericjaspan1Amazing tips on Friday hanging in chat! Joined in customs! Tipped the GOAT huge!
2021-12-15TilikasAmazing tips on Saturday hanging in chat! Gave Goat som challenges! Estonia! F12018
2021-12-21TilikasHanging in chat! Tipped and helped out with pokemon overlay! Estonia!
2021-12-28Hamjon83Tier 3 sub! Coming with ideas! Tipped! Beard!
2021-01-03Call_me_NounHanging in chat participating, joined in customs with prakto. Tipped! Tier 2 sub!
2021-01-10Ericjaspan1Amazing tip! Tipped the GOAT huge! I even bout benaise sauce! AMAZING!
2021-01-17Hamjon83/Jesjo85Let me in to complete the video on Saturday! Helped me also with the car during the week! Helped me with the YouTube clip "food testing"
2021-01-27Officialsloo/GuttenheimerDonation bar idea for Crazy things, We will same how many crazy things Will happend. Tipped some!
2021-02-01TilikasSupported alot! Helped me reach the goal! Joined the GAMES! Cares alot about the stream!
2022-03-01Call_me_Noun/Wigwam51/Hamjon83Call_me_noun hanging in the chat tipping,clipping, Wigwam51 have brought in the automation. Hamjon83 have done a superb admin work plus helping me with the private life. AWESOME GOATS!
2022-04-01Wigwam51/Hamjon83/Jesjo85/GuttenheimerWigam helping with the overlays and automation, Guttenheimer with the pictures, Hamjon and Jesjo I guess everyone understands why! The work this 4 do is AMAZING!
2022-05-01Hamjon83/Jesjo85/AntonBTLDo I even need to tell why Jesjo and Hamjon is here! They are AMAZING! /Anton hanging in cha providing content! Awesome and ideas!
2022-06-01Hamjon83/Jesjo85/Maltus_is_itDo I even need to tell why Jesjo and Hamjon is here! They are AMAZING party at their locaiton! Maltus joining when he can! Tipped like crazy! DANKE and AMAZING! Sometimes also comes in the morning!
2022-07-01BackyardGoat/Hamjon83Took a break/Took me to Germany and joined the trip
2022-08-01Everyone that joined the party+Henrik_or_borisOfficialsloo Guttenheimer Jesjo Hamjon OlssonJohan Laiitiinen Mrfreekill Jallekularbo Shittty BackyardGoat LecterCgarreth Thebeard88 Bockajr Disspoken Elel
2022-09-01Call_me_noun – The Supervizer – PastorJalla – Not onmyscren – Jallekularbo – Henrik_or-Boris-JuicejuicyHanging in chat! Joining! Clipping! – Biggest Lurker on Twich! Huge supporter! / Motivating me with exercise/Joining streams to color my hair amazing/Hanging in stream alot aswell! Joins the games! Supports! / Helping me with the homepage alot/Coming with ideas hanging in chat
2022-10-01Juciejuicy, Hamjon, Jesjo, The Supervizer, Makamutoo, Guttenheimer/kimzan/MrFreekillSending me gift, joining the chat/ Hamjon Jesjo, The helped me colour. Birthday gift/biggest lurker on Twitch. Makamutto supporting, alot of ideas. /The panels and the art! Hanging in the chat and supporting!/Supporting on and off stream coming with inputs!
2022-11-01Tsinabi/Lady Jesjo and HamjonHanging on the stream, participating! Sending goat an enourmous candy package! Supporting the Goat alot! Taking the goat to the forrest!
2022-12-01BackyardgoatBecause he took some days of.
2023-01-01Hamjon/Freekill/Jallekularbo/The_Beard88Because they are all amazing in different ways! Joining customs and supporting the stream!
2023-02-01Hamjon/Freekill/Jesjo85/The_Beard88/Makamutoo/TilikasBecause they are all amazing in different ways! Joining customs and supporting the stream!
2023-03-01Hamjon/Tilikas/Jallekularbo/JulkaktusSupporting the stream in different ways!
2023-04-01Tilikas/00Svenne00/JalleKularbo/Call_Me_Noun/The_Beard88/Hamjon83Supporting the stream in different ways!
2023-05-01Hamjon83 & TIlikasParticipating in games, supporting and coming with ideas
2023-12Goat JalleKularbo – Bayby Goat Call me Noun
January2024Goat JalleKularbo – Bayby Goat Rileez_Well, you can buy happiness and sucess. This guys made a huge impact!
February2024Goat Axelbalja – Bayby Goat VeritasWell, you can buy happiness and sucess. This guys made a huge impact!
March 2024Goat Coulianos – Baby Goat AxelbaljaWell, you can buy happiness and sucess. This guys made a huge impact!
April 2024Goat – Axelbalja Baby Goat Hamjon83Well, you can buy happiness and sucess. This guys made a huge impact!
May 2024Goat – Axelbalja Baby Goat Hamjon83Well, you can buy happiness and sucess. This guys made a huge impact!
June 2024Goat – Axelbalja Baby Goat Hamjon83Well, you can buy happiness and sucess. This guys made a huge impact!
July 2024Goat – Hamjon83 Baby Goat Call_me_NounWell, you can buy happiness and sucess. This guys made a huge impact!
August 2024Goat – Jallekularbo BabyGoat AxelbaljaWe did a subathon and the hugest time extenders 🙂
2024GOAT OF THE YEAR HAMJON83Enough is said
2025-01Goat – JalleKularbo Baby Goat Fr0stiz
2025-02Goat – JalleKularbo Baby Goat Hamjon83